Sunday, January 02, 2011

Start the new year with "education-friendly" tech tools

This just in...

There are several Internet tools and services that provide "education" versions suitable for classroom use. I've recently learned of an education version for one of my favorite tools for integrating images into instruction: BigHugeLabs... from the website:

Are you using BigHugeLabs in the classroom? Sign up for a free Educator account and get the following benefits:

  • Pre-register your students so they can sign in without requiring an email address.
  • View and download content created by your students.
  • Use the site advertising-free. And we absolutely do not try to sell anything to your students.
  • Ready to print ID cards for your students
  • BigHugeLabs is proud to assist you with your education goals.
Thanks to Cheryl Oakes for sharing this!